

Doug Griffith
Co-Founder and General Counsel
Golden Spike Company


Doug Griffith is a co-founder and general counsel of Golden Spike Company. His 16-year legal career has focused exclusively on the aviation and commercial human spaceflight industries. Prior to attending law school Doug received his degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin. Upon graduation he joined the U.S. Marine Corps, flying AH-1W attack helicopters in Operation Desert Storm and earning the Distinguished Flying Cross. Upon graduating from Loyola Law School in 1996, Doug joined Kern & Wooley LLP, where he spent five years representing aircraft and component manufacturers, including Parker Hannifin Corporation and McDonnell Douglas Helicopter Company, in air crash litigation. He then joined the Aviation Practice Group of the international law firm Paul Hastings, representing airlines in regulatory and labor matters. In 2005 Doug started his own practice, becoming an expert in the emerging commercial human spaceflight industry and applying his aviation law expertise to the legal needs of that sector.

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